Select multiple tabs for moving to another space
Tyler Flowers
Available now in 3.8.10
Swipe up, or down, from the standard carousel view to load the new grid view. From here you can select edit and choose all the tabs you'd like either delete or move to another space. We'll be adding more features to this mode as well so keep an eye on app updates. Hope you all enjoy!
Tyler Flowers
in progress
Tyler Flowers
Merged in a post:
Bulk edit tabs
I would like to be able to select multiple tabs and move them to a different space or close them together. Even better would be the possibility to save them to a journal, or bookmark them.
My use case is that I often end up getting distracted and have several tabs for several research strands open in the same space, since it is not always immediately clear if a web search for example results in the new research area or whether it’s just a one stop search. Moving them to other spaces takes time because I can only do it one by one, which leaves me with spaces containing hundreds of tabs which I then have to sort out.
Tyler Flowers