Availability to expand PDF viewer into its own tab
in progress
The pdf viewer currently opens this window/modal on top of the browser, which means tapping outside of the window would dismiss it.
As a student, I do my highlighting on PDFs so that it can sync to my notion for me to process later. This results in me sometimes accidentally tapping outside the window and dismissing it. Any way to make this pdf view expand as its own tab or something? That would help a ton!
Tyler Flowers
Wanted to post an update here about the latest update for this feature request. With 3.8.12 we added the default of PDFs loading into their own tabs, while this partially solves having PDFs open in other tabs it doesn't allow highlighting in the tab itself. I'm still planning on adding the highlighting view into the tab itself in a future version and will keep this marked as In Progress until that time arrives.
Tyler Flowers
in progress
Ash Bhat
For me, this feature leads to two other features. The first is the ability to highlight PDFs the same way I can highlight websites. The second is the ability to choose which hyperlinks open in a peeked window and which websites open a new tab or a background tab.